Stucchi 1950

Brand Overview

Stucchi 1950 Srl is a company present for over 40 years on the global market, specialising in the design and manufacture of industrial vacuum cleaners for automotive (bodywork and workshops), nautical, aeronautical industry, joinery, and general industry.

Stucchi 1950 S.r.l.s has among its range of industrial vacuum cleaners a series of mobile vacuums or trailer with single-phase motors and a series of vacuum cleaners with fixed turbine inlet phase.

Experience, efficiency, reliability and constant cooperation. Stucchi is all of these things.
They are not only suppliers, you can find real colleagues in the suction field; they support you the customer during the whole production process: from the beginning of the process up to the perfect conclusion.
They guarantee the filtering system for 5 years, as you can find in their operation and maintenance manual, in the face of a high-quality mechanical technology.
The heart of a vacuum cleaner is not the motor, it is the filter. This is the reason why Stucchi decided to ensure their complete efficiency in order to offer perfectly working machines even after 20-25 years.
They are addressing body shops, carpenter’s shops, mechanic industry (metal workers and repair shops) and to the nautical industry (shipyards, yacht producers and vessels maintenance).
Their strength, in addition to the suction power, is given by the solid and executive design, as a result of a long planning experience.
The research and development department - respecting a fast process - studies the idea, projects and actualizes its custom solutions ad hoc, respecting customers’ needs and requirements.

Product Types

  • Dust
  • Industrial vacuums
  • Vacuums independent
  • Aspirators for centralized systems
  • Exhaust fume extraction
  • Extraction of welding fumes
  • Distribution
  • Binary system
  • Articulated arms
  • Multifunction panels
  • Hexagons Multifunction
  • Multifunction modules
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