Dangerous Goods Changes - July 2023

Jul 10, 2023

Dangerous Goods Changes

News | Jul 10, 2023 | Damien Peden

In July 2022, Freightways made some changes to the way dangerous goods travel through their network. The major change was the requirement for a DG Ticket on all parcels travelling through their network that are classified as Dangerous Goods.

Linkup Paint Supplies have previously been exempt from this requirement, however, Freightways have advised us that they now require all customers to adhere to using DG tickets.

This DG ticket is to help us mitigate increasing compliance costs associated with the transport of Dangerous Goods. Dangerous Goods are required by law to be correctly declared, documented, packaged and labelled. The sender of Dangerous Goods should also be appropriately trained in the despatch of Dangerous Goods items.

Where do the extra costs come in?

It's probably starting to be pretty clear why Dangerous Goods cost a little more. And why our couriers can't sometimes deliver in exactly the same timeframe as regular goods.

Here's some more reasons

  • The number and complexity of rules and regulations
  • The extra training required
  • The extra space required on vehicles and at depots for safe sorting and processing
  • The extra time and labour required
  • Fees and charges from third parties involved

What now?

We have tried our best to avoid this increase, but have been unsuccessful.

Since we currently charge our freight as we're charged per parcel, we are now having to pass this extra cost on to our customers, which does mean a slight increase in freight costs where DGs are involved.

The cost of the new DG tickets are per parcel containing dangerous goods and is being charged from July 2023.

New Zealand Couriers DG Showcase Freightways DG Policy & Guide